Sports Night Cast

Welcome to the "Sports Night" Fan-Fiction Collection! Even though the television series, "Sports Night" has been cancelled, its characters and stories continue through the works of various authors. These stories have been collected around the internet, with the vast majority collected from the defunct Gemini's Sports Night Archive.

CAUTION: since the stories haven't been individually rated, you should keep in mind the overall works would have an American television rating of TV-14 DLSV (Dialogue, Language, Sexual Situations, Violence). So, parental guidance is suggested.

You can browse and read works by individual authors, check out stories written after particular episodes, or you can go through the complete, sortable list. There are no plans to add to this collection, but if you have fan-fiction falling under the TV-14 American television rating guidelines, feel free to send an e-mail.

Here's 3 stories selected at random: